Data backup is one of the most important internal operational tasks today. The security requirements for data storage are correspondingly high. Synology is therefore particularly suitable for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises).

Data backup with personal server

The TeamDrive Personal Server is an alternative for all those who do not want to store their data in a cloud. This is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. It allows you to host your data on your own servers easily and above all securely. A major advantage of the TeamDrive Personal Server is the possibility of combining the storage location as part of a hybrid solution. In this way, you can specify for each folder whether you want to create it in the cloud or on your own server.

Data security at the highest level

The TeamDrive Personal Server pays special attention to the security of your data. The data is only transferred using end-to-end encryption. The code for decrypting your data always remains with you and the users in your space. Depending on the connection and use, up to 150 users per server can access certain data in this way. The server program is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. You can also install TeamDrive on a NAS Box.

Synology Drives

Another major advantage of the TeamDrive Personal Server is its ability to be installed on Synology drives. To do this, you must first download the appropriate server program. Then copy the program to a folder on DiskStation. Practically, you can create a new shared folder for this. Later you can use this as the location for TeamDrive Spaces. The advantage of backing up data to a Synology drive is that the data is always available and synchronised in a local network for all users with access rights. The TeamDrive Personal Server adds the ability to protect this data from loss – without your data leaving your company.

Data protection for SMBs

Especially for small and medium-sized businesses, a NAS server – Network Attached Server – is therefore the node in your local data storage and processing. NAS servers are the ideal solution when many employees need to access the same data, but need to be protected from unauthorized access by others. In the form of a file server, it provides secure data access for all employees assigned to the local network and protects your data extensively against theft and loss thanks to encryption of individual releases. In addition, as a central storage for all company services and thus also the company cloud, it represents an almost insurmountable data safe.

Would you also like to provide your NAS server with a suitable cloud solution? Then feel free to contact us. Our experts will be there to advise you and help you find the optimum solution for the optimum protection of your company data.