Manually or Automatically Empty a Space’s Trash

To manually empty a Space’s trash

please do the following:

  1. In TeamDrive’s main view, click on the section “Trash”.
  2. Hover the mouse over the desired Space (on iOS and Android swipe the Space from right to left) and click on the trash can to delete the entire contents of the Space’s trash from the server.
  3. If you would like to only delete specific files from a Space’s trash, click directly on the Space to enter the Space.
  4. Hover the mouse over the desired file or folder (on iOS and Android swipe the file or folder from right to left) and click on the trash can to delete the file or folder from the trash and ultimately from the server.

To configure automatic trash cleanup for a Space

please do the following:

  1. Navigate to “Active Spaces”.
  2. Hover the mouse over the desired Space (on iOS and Android swipe the Space from right to left) and click on “i” to open the Space’s “Information” page.
  3. Click on “Advanced” > “Delete Files in Trash After” to configure a time interval for when files should be automatically deleted from a Space’s trash and ultimately from the server.

Please be advised that all files deleted from the server remain, initially, in a server snapshot for 30 days (default setting) or until the server snapshots are manually deleted. Whichever comes first. As long as the server snapshots feature is activated, files deleted from the trash will appear to be deleted from the server but will actually remain stored in a server snapshot, until the snapshot has been deleted. This is a recovery feature developed to give users the possibility to restore files inadvertently deleted from the trash or to restore Spaces which fell victim to ransom viruses (e.g. Locky).