To permanently delete a Space from the server

please do the following:

  1. Navigate to “Active Spaces” and locate the desired Space.
  2. Hover the mouse pointer over the Space (on iOS and Android devices swipe the Space from right to left) and click on the trash symbol.
  3. Select “Delete On Server” to permanently delete the Space from the server.

An additional method to delete a Space would be log into the TeamDrive online shop using your TeamDrive username and password. Once there, click on Licenses/Depots and expand the respective depot so its Spaces are displayed. Please be advised that Space names are not saved on the server. Spaces are identified on the server using their Space ID number. Click on the following link to find out how to locate a Space’s ID number.

To locally (only on your machine) leave a Space

please do the following:

  1. Navigate to “Active Spaces” and locate the desired Space.
  2. Hover the mouse pointer over the Space (on iOS and Android devices swipe the Space from right to left) and click on the trash symbol.
  3. Select “Leave Space” to leave the Space on this machine. The Space can be joined again at a later time.