If you would like to reorganize your folder structure, it is best to quit TeamDrive and do all of your reorganizing in the local file system while the TeamDrive client is not running. Additionally, no other Space members should be working on, or have open, any files located in the folders being restructured.

When possible, you should reorganize your folder structure in the late evenings, on the weekends, or any other time when no one else is in the office or accessing the data contained in the folders being restructured. After you have reorganized your folder structure to your liking, start the TeamDrive client. Once the TeamDrive client has been started, the client will scan your Spaces. All detected changes will then be uploaded (if an active Internet connection is present) to the server. All other Space members will receive the changes once they have started their TeamDrive clients.

Reorganize Folder Structure and Change Space Name

If you also change the name of the Space during this process, you will see the message “Space path not found” as the Space status once TeamDrive is started. If this is the case, please click here.

“Ghost” Activities

In the event you come across “ghost activities” once everything has been restructured and uploaded to the server, please have all Space members update their TeamDrive clients to the latest version. The latest version can be downloaded from our downloads page. Once everyone has updated, 1 user needs to restore the Space from scratch.

To restore a Space from scratch

please do the following:

  1. Navigate to “Active Spaces”.
  2. Hover the mouse over the desired Space (on iOS and Android swipe the Space from right to left) and click on “i” to open the Space’s “Information” page.
  3. Scroll down and click on “Restore” > “Advanced” > “Rejoin from scratch”.
    • During a restore, the existing local Space folder is renamed to “_backup” and all files located in the Space at that time will remain in the renamed folder. With that said, any file changes that were not uploaded before the Space restoration was started must be manually added (e.g. by using drag and drop) to the newly restored Space. As the restoration process continues a new Space folder with the original name will be created and the Space’s contents will be either downloaded from the server or copied from the “_backup” folder. However, only those files and file versions which can be found on the server will be copied over from the “_backup” folder. When restoring a Space from scratch the entire log history of a Space is read. Join times can vary depending on how many events there are in the Space i.e. how big the history is.
  4. Once 1 user has restored the Space from scratch, all other Space members need to perform a standard Space restore.

To restore a Space

please do the following:

  1. Navigate to “Active Spaces”.
  2. Hover the mouse over the desired Space (on iOS and Android swipe the Space from right to left) and click on “i” to open the Space’s “Information” page.
  3. Scroll down and click on “Restore”.
    • During a restore, the existing local Space folder is renamed to “_backup” and all files located in the Space at that time will remain in the renamed folder. With that said, any file changes that were not uploaded before the Space restoration was started must be manually added (e.g. by using drag and drop) to the newly restored Space. As the restoration process continues a new Space folder with the original name will be created and the Space’s contents will be either downloaded from the server or copied from the “_backup” folder. However, only those files and file versions which can be found on the server will be copied over from the “_backup” folder.