Sharing files with friends, family and colleagues is simple and straight forward process involving zero hassle.

How to send Space invitations

To invite some to a Space all you need to do is:

  1. Locate the Space you would like to share.
  2. Hover the mouse over the desired Space (desktop) or swipe it from right-to-left (mobile).
  3. Click or tap the ‘invite’ symbol located on the far right.
  4. Enter the username or email address of the friend, family member or colleague you wish to share your files with and click or tap the ‘+’ symbol to add the user to the invitation list.
  5. Expand the added username or email address (desktop) or swipe it from right-to-left (mobile) and select the key symbol to assign user rights (please use the following link to find an overview of the different user rights).
  6. Click or tap “Invite”.

Send Space invitations with a password

We recommend password protecting Space invitations. To password protect an invitation select “Message and Protection” and enable “Password Protection”.

Non-TeamDrive users are invited to join Spaces, and TeamDrive, via emails that could potentially be intercepted by malicious third parties. Users sending invites are therefore advised to confirm the email addresses of non-TeamDrive users before sending invitations. In addition, the “password protection” feature is a viable option for encrypting invitations. Using a password will also help to prevent unintentional invitees, possibly due to misspelled usernames or email addresses, from joining a Space.

The invited user will receive a Space invitation notification via email and a Space invitation within the TeamDrive client (if they are an existing TeamDrive user). Space invitations can only be accepted or declined via the client. Within the Space invitation notification email are links to download TeamDrive installation software; for use in case TeamDrive is not already installed on the recipient’s machine.

When a Space invitation has been received, the “Invitations” menu item on the home screen will display a blue bubble with a number (the number is indicative of how many unchecked invitations are on the invitations list).

Re-invite existing Space members to a Space

Please use the following link to find more information regarding re-inviting existing Space members to a Space.