What is the TeamDrive virtual file system?

When enabled, TeamDrive can allow users to access their Spaces using a virtual file system (VFS). The VFS appears on your desktop computer as a mounted network drive. TeamDrive uses the VFS to allow users to view the contents of a Space, without having to download anything.

Users can view and access the entire folder structure of a Space without the need to download anything. With that said, users have the ability to be active members in large Spaces without having to sacrifice any of their local computer storage. Additionally, the virtual file system helps companies comply with GDPR regulations to keep all content central and avoid storing personal information locally.

How can I activate the virtual file system for a Space?

MacOS users, please be advised that FUSE for macOS is no longer shipped with the TeamDrive for macOS installer. For licensing purposes, macOS users must manually install the latest version of FUSE for macOS extension themselves. Please use the following link for more information regarding the FUSE installer for macOS.

To activate the virtual file system (VFS) feature for a Space, please do the following:

  1. Navigate to “Active Spaces”.
  2. Then, hover the mouse over the desired Space and click on “i”. This will then open the Space’s “Information” page.
  3. Afterwards, Click on “Space Location”.
  4. From there, click on “Mount Space in Virtual File System” to activate the VFS feature for that Space.

That’s it! The VFS is has now been activated for the Space.

Additional Settings

Once the VFS has been activated, there are some additional functions, which can be configured. Please do the following:

  1. Click on the widget symbol in the top-left corner of the TeamDrive window. This will open the settings window.
  2. After reaching the settings menu, click on “Space”.
  3. In this section you can configure additional VFS settings such as the drive letter (Windows), as well as the automatic file cleanup function*.

    *Please be advised that VFS files can only be automatically cleaned up if they are not in use and the offline availability for the file is disabled. In other words, the offline availability for the Space should not be enabled.