Important notes for support cases

During your work with TeamDrive, problems have arisen for which you would like to receive help and support from TeamDrive Support.

In such a case, we are of course happy to help you. In order to make the problem solution as efficient as possible for both you and us, we ask you to prepare your contact with us well and to provide us with certain information.

Denn in order to be able to help you well, we at TeamDrive must first make an exact picture of your situation. An error description that is as precise as possible and a narrow definition of the problem is very helpful and will usually speed up the troubleshooting process.
Furthermore, we also require some technical information from you that is important for us.

How you should proceed in general in case of a problem, which possibilities of help and support you have, which information we need from you and where you can find them – all this and still more we explain to you in this video.