What happens if there is no online connection? In the age of “Always On” services and ever increasing bandwidths, an important aspect of cloud services is often neglected: offline data storage. With TeamDrive, you have various options for storing and synchronizing data offline, i.e. without a direct and permanent Internet connection. This brings with it important advantages. On the one hand, it protects the data from external intervention and makes the data backup even more effective during a failure of the IT infrastructure in the company or the router failure at home. You can access all data in the TeamDrive Spaces at any time once they have been synchronised. Since a local copy of the data is always created, it is always available for processing, regardless of the online status. The data is then synchronised as soon as there is an Internet connection and you start TeamDrive. This usage scenario is useful if very sensitive data is stored on a particular computer. Then you can use TeamDrive as a backup solution. The data is therefore only transmitted securely end-to-end when encryption is required. This makes TeamDrive the perfect digital safe!

Offline data storage with “Offline available”.

This digital safe can be applied modularly to different spaces or even single files. The function “Offline available” in the extended menu of TeamDrive is available for this purpose. This is where you decide which data is stored locally on your own hard drive, i.e. made available, and which data is only retrieved on demand. In this case, only the metadata, such as table of contents, file sizes, etc., are relevant for data synchronization. On mobile devices, only the table of contents is synchronized by default to keep the data load low. If desired, you can also synchronize data locally to the smartphone. However, the limited storage space on mobile devices and the security risk should not be forgotten. Here, device encryption should definitely be activated in order to prevent unauthorized access.

Where is the synchronized data located?

Another aspect of offline data storage is the choice of cloud storage itself. With TeamDrive, you decide where the data is stored! You can choose either the maximum secure public cloud from TeamDrive or your very own private cloud with your own servers on which you can run the TeamDrive Personal Server application. You can even combine both. The private cloud and public cloud of TeamDrive are synchronized for maximum reliability. The storage requirements and your own needs are at the forefront. TeamDrive offers the right solutions for a wide variety of scenarios.

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