Managing personal data – care recipients, relatives, staff – in a legally compliant manner

Hamburg, December 2, 2021 – Since 2018, care services have been subject to the strict regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, many providers have been taking the associated data protection requirements “quite lightly” for years. Often, personal data, medical information and billing files are sent unencrypted via email. If the violations are exposed, there are severe penalties. In addition, owners or managers are usually held personally accountable for data protection violations.

Hamburg-based TeamDrive GmbH aims to remedy this situation with its data management service of the same name. TeamDrive ensures that all data is stored in accordance with GDPR without the care service having to install its own server or have IT expertise. The data files for different people, groups and incidents can each be stored individually to meet strict data protection requirements. Relatives, people in need of care and all other groups can access the information intended for them in compliance with the law.
The cost is just 4.20 euros per month per user. The minimum number of users is five, resulting in an annual fee of 299 euros. This includes the use of the software, storage capacities, the data order processing contract required under GDPR and technical support in the event of questions.

As the provider emphasizes, TeamDrive also complies with the principles for the proper keeping and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form as well as for data access (GoBD), in addition to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). TeamDrive also meets the requirements for professional secrecy holders such as tax consultants, auditors and lawyers in accordance with Section 203 of the German Criminal Code (StGB). This means that even the use of TeamDrive for highly sensitive medical data, as can occur in the case of nursing services, is legally unproblematic.