Detlef Schmuck “German economy has finally recognized the importance of IT security”

Hamburg, April 2, 2019 – More than half of all companies in Germany will double their IT security spending by 2030. This is a key finding of the current “IT Security Study 2019”, published by the Hamburg-based data security company TeamDrive together with the National Initiative for Information and Internet Security (NIFIS). According to the study, 54 percent of the companies expect to double. A further 14 percent expect an increase of one third, an additional 12 percent of half. More than three quarters of the companies assume a high investment potential for IT security.

“The German economy has finally recognized how important IT and data security is in a business world that is permeated by digitalization,” says Detlef Schmuck, head of the study and Managing Director of TeamDrive. Not even a tenth of the companies expect to be able to keep their IT expenditure roughly at today’s level in the future. For the study, 100 predominantly medium-sized companies in Germany were asked about IT and data security.

Already for the current year 2019, 60 percent of the companies assume that IT security expenditures will increase by at least one third. Significantly more than a third (37 percent) anticipate an increase of half or even more, just under a quarter (23 percent) anticipate an increase in expenditure of a third.