At the latest since the GDPR of the EU and in Germany the DSGVO came into force on 25.05.2018 it should be clear: Data protection is not an empty shell, but rather a social duty.

What is data protection?

There is no fixed definition for the word data protection. It is rather a general term, which deals with all activities in dealing with personal data. The aim of data protection is to safeguard the fundamental right of every person to self-determination with regard to information. Data protection is not a new topic here. As early as 1977, the Federal Data Protection Act came into force, which, however, only regulated data protection in public administration.

What is personal data according to data protection?

Personal data includes all data that can be assigned to an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes, for example, personal data such as name, place of birth, date of birth, nationality and marital status, contact files such as address, e-mail address, telephone number and IP address. But also information about your own property and assets are included. In addition, some data fall within the personal sphere of life and are therefore subject to much stricter data protection regulations. These include trade union membership and religious, political and sexual orientation.

What data protection rights do I have?

All data protection laws are based on Basic Law Article 1 paragraph 1 and Article 2, which lay down general personal rights and the right to personal self-development. Through the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, which is known in Germany as the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO), data protection on the Internet has been greatly enhanced, to the regret of many organisations. Operators of websites within the EU are now obliged to inform users of their site extensively about the use of cookies and to obtain their active consent. In addition, every visitor to a website now has the right to be forgotten and the immediate withdrawal of his declaration of consent to the collection, storage and use of his data. In this case, organizations must delete them completely. This can, however, be associated with a significant increase in personnel and financial costs for companies, as these data should be stored separately for this purpose.

Data protection at TeamDrive

Nevertheless, the storage of personal data by companies cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is all the more important that the storage and processing of this data is secure. With TeamDrive, you can securely store and process personal data and delete it at any time with just a few clicks. In order to guarantee permanent data protection at the highest level, TeamDrive regularly undergoes extensive testing by external experts. In addition, TeamDrive protects your data with end-to-end encryption so that your data is completely secure even during transmission.

Test the excellent data protection of TeamDrive for yourself!