As part of the Professional User Ratings Digital Solutions 2021, the champions of file-sharing solutions were chosen. Find out here which ones they are and how TeamDrive scored!
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For 25 years, techconsult has been a research and analyst company and a partner for providers and consumers of digital technologies and services. With the help of so-called user ratings, analyses on the user side allow an insight into the problem areas and future visions of companies. More than 20,000 interviews per year with business and IT decision-makers, which are honored with awards, provide a realistic picture. techconsult GmbH is based in Kassel, Germany with a branch office in Munich, Germany and is part of the Heise Group.
The “Professional User Rating: Digital Solutions 2021” is an independent end-user survey conducted by the research and analyst firm techconsult. A total of 1,500 application experts took part and comprehensively evaluated solutions in the areas of eCommerce and collaboration and submitted user ratings. The areas of “online store solutions” and “multichannel solutions” were each evaluated by a total of 250 application experts. The evaluations were carried out in the dimensions Company Rating (provider evaluation) and Solution Rating (solution evaluation) with more than 60 criteria in 14 subcategories. The high level of practical relevance is ensured by the fact that the evaluations come from companies that use the software.
Award in techconsult PUR 2021 for TeamDrive
Of the 33 vendors evaluated, a total of 14 were able to secure a place in the “file sharing solutions” results diamond. TeamDrive achieved good ratings at both the vendor and solution levels, earning it a “champion” award at the top of the diamond.
A further 19 participants in the PUR 2021 survey in the file-sharing tools category did not make it into the coveted diamond.

Respondents did not vote the file-sharing tools from ownCloud, STRATO, IBM, Micro Focus, Google and Brainloop into the diamond. They were rated as “Performer” or “Balanced.”
Solution evaluation: Users evaluate TeamDrive’s file sharing solution
TeamDrive’s file sharing solution scores an overall average rating of 64 out of 100 index points.
TeamDrive also receives an award for this. Users positively highlight both the software’s basic functions and the solution-specific features.
Among the basic functions, users particularly honor:
Particularly with regard to the solution-specific functions, the software was highly regarded by users. With 65 index points, it achieved an above-average level in functions such as data encryption, user authentication and versioning. In the latter two, TeamDrive is among the top 3 vendors evaluated.
Provider rating: Users rate TeamDrive in the context of file sharing
In the provider rating, TeamDrive also receives above-average ratings. Users like the product portfolio and in particular the management and integration tools. TeamDrive also achieves excellent results in the area of service and support. This index value includes the ratings of the telephone hotline, the competence of the service consultants and the resolution of problems. Users are also impressed by the service staff, as problems are resolved quickly in the event of difficulties.
TeamDrive convinces its customers all along the line
TeamDrive – a software manufacturer that specializes in creating solutions for secure collaboration over the Internet. TeamDrive is regarded as “secure sync&share software made in Germany”. This has been confirmed with the “EuroPriSe” data protection seal of approval since the beginning of 2020. This technical and legally binding security is appreciated by over 500,000 users and more than 5,500 companies from all industries. Complete end-to-end encryption for maximum data security – this is what TeamDrive has stood for more than 10 years now. Neither TeamDrive nor any authority in the world can decrypt the data. Today, TeamDrive has risen from being a pioneer to one of the leading companies for secure data exchange, even across corporate boundaries.
Users are convinced that the use of TeamDrive:
The good ratings in the Professional User Rating study overall are also reflected in the product loyalty rating. In the context of file sharing technology, users believe that this security solution delivers everything TeamDrive promises customers. This is also reflected in the fact that users recommend TeamDrive without reservation. Is your company looking for a file sharing solution? Then you should take a look at TeamDrive’s product in the context of your own use case. We recommend including TeamDrive in your selection of potential solutions.