You should not use TeamDrive to synchronize databases.

A database is usually stored in a file, which means that TeamDrive would have to transfer the entire file each time a data record was changed, which would lead to increased traffic and memory consumption on the server.

Avoid deeply nested directory structures.

The operating system-specific restrictions on paths and file names also result in restrictions for TeamDrive users.

Microsoft Windows:
Maximum length of the entire directory path: 247 characters
Maximum length of file names: 259 characters

Maximum length of a path section: 255 Bytes
Maximum length of a file name: 254 Bytes

Maximum length of a path section: 255 Bytes
Maximum length of a file name: 255 Bytes

CAUTION: If you share a Space with members with different operating systems, please observe the limits stated on file names in order to guarantee cross-platform compatibility.

NOTE: The lengths specified in Bytes are based on the fact that Unicode is used in these file systems. Consequently, the maximum lengths depend on the characters used. As a rough guideline:

A standard alphabet character (a-z, A-Z) = 1 Byte

An extended alphabet character (German umlauts etc.) = 2 Bytes

Avoid storing all your data in just one Space.

By granulating your Spaces more finely, it will be easier to control who has access to which data. This also reduces the need to re-sort files.

You should not move your Spaces to other drives or partitions; instead, use the “Recover Space” function.

If you perceive the need to store your Space on another hard drive or partition, choose “Space” > “Recover Space” in the TeamDrive Explorer and specify the new storage location.

Do not move your Space manually across partition or drive boundaries

as this could result in the loss of TeamDrive synchronization data because all meta information is recreated and it is then no longer possible to track which file was edited for the last time and when.

Avoid using special characters in file names and paths.

It may be that these characters will not be supported on a different platform.