Clouds for tax consultants and tax firms
Digitization brings many advantages for the day-to-day work in a tax office. Clouds for tax consultants simplify and speed up communication with clients and the tax office. However, high security requirements must be observed to protect sensitive and confidential data. Here we show interesting application scenarios for cloud solutions in tax offices.

Cloud services for tax consultants
Cloud solutions make it easier for a tax office to digitally process documents and thus collaborate with colleagues. The number of application scenarios that make a cloud attractive for tax consultants is large. We have summarized examples from the everyday work of a tax office in the following list, which show how practical the use of cloud computing is in taxation.
In addition to the enumerated advantages of clouds in tax firms, there are other aspects that have particular relevance for the security of data when tax consultants use a cloud. For the digital processing of annual financial statements and tax returns, the DSGVO-compliant securing of data is essential. In addition, all IT-supported processes in a tax office are subject to the principles of proper accounting (GoBD). With its excellent cloud solution, TeamDrive meets all the requirements for a cloud in taxation. In addition, a separate contract for professional secrecy holders in accordance with Section 203 of the German Criminal Code (StGB) is also issued for TeamDrive’s cloud services.
With TeamDrive, tax consultants and tax firms can store, manage, edit and exchange all data securely and safely. Data protection aspects are fully complied within electronic document storage. A cloud solution in the tax office is particularly practical for clients who can provide their documents digitally for tax advice. Learn more about the interaction between the office and the client when using secure cloud services in the next section.
Cloud solutions in the tax office enable secure data exchange
Via TeamDrive, it is very easy to digitally connect clients to a tax consultancy software. This process is simple and inexpensive to implement, so many clients appreciate this service. Secure data exchange proves beneficial in many ways.
Clients are increasingly receiving receipts in digital form. However, documents can also be digitized by scanning, so that documents no longer have to be filed in paper form in a folder. Clients store such data in a folder on their end devices. The folder is provided by the tax office via the TeamDrive service. This enables fast, flexible and secure data exchange via end-to-end encryption. Clients do not need to take any further steps for this, as the encryption is fully automated.
Employees in a tax office no longer wait for documents from clients to arrive by a deadline. They automatically receive the stored and released documents from the cloud to review and process them. In parallel, the files remain archived for the long term and in compliance with GoBD, without incurring expensive costs.
Advantages of a cloud for the tax consultant
Clients and law firms are given the option to individually configure the digital exchange of documents and data. This process automatically meets all data protection requirements through the secure end-to-end encryption process. Content stored in the folders of a cloud is always synchronized in the process and is therefore always up-to-date. TeamDrive’s cloud solution simplifies the recording of documents, so that its use does not require any special IT knowledge. Every tax consultancy office that uses TeamDrive as a cloud service has an unlimited number of licenses for clients. There are no additional costs for this.
How clients benefit from cloud solutions in the tax office
The client saves his scanned files in a defined folder in the cloud on his computer or server. Their data is then encrypted and automatically transferred to the tax consultant. The process runs in the background. With a TeamDrive Professional license, the client can save the process. Quotations, project documentation and other data are thus stored automatically and in an audit-proof manner.
Thanks to these advantages, TeamDrive as a cloud solution for tax consultants is also a secure and affordable addition to DATEV Unternehmen Online. This application is already in use in many tax firms.
Sharing DATEV Unternehmen Online with TeamDrive
DATEV Unternehmen Online is a platform for the electronic exchange of data. Three different data connection options are available for this: via DATEV Cloud, via e-mail or via document transfer.
The document transfer can be accessed using TeamDrive. After configuring the interface between TeamDrive and DATEV Unternehmen Online, clients store their scanned documents or documents already available in electronic form in defined folders in a TeamDrive space.
In the receiving system, which in this case is the DATEV Unternehmen Online platform, this folder is defined in the TeamDrive space as the import folder. The tax consultant performs a data import into the processing system. Clients receive their tax consulting evaluations and other files in other folders created by the tax office. Clients have the option to cost-effectively expand the TeamDrive cloud at any time to ensure audit-proof archiving of sales documents in compliance with GoBD.
TeamDrive is the optimal cloud solution for tax consulting
With TeamDrive’s cloud service, you as a tax consultant can securely store sensitive data via end-to-end encryption or send it to customers in encrypted form as well. With TeamDrive, information is stored and transferred in the cloud in accordance with the requirements of the DSGVO and the GOBD. All data is located on secure servers in Germany. Tax firms working with TeamDrive meet all data security and data protection standards.
In addition, TeamDrive serves as a cost-effective, decentralized storage location for documents and information generated by the day-to-day work in the tax office. You can grant your clients secure access to the folders you specify via free licenses. For 5.66 euros per workstation and month, tax offices receive a comprehensive service for storing digital data without any problems. This saves both sides time, especially when processing a tax return.
What TeamDrive offers you
The users of the TeamDrive solution
Whether in the healthcare, in the legal sector, the journalism or financial sector, but also in authorities, in the club, the daycare center or in the parish office:
Almost all industries work with sensitive and personal data that must be sent securely, stored or archived in a legally secure manner.
TeamDrive Professional as standard already contains all relevant features that are necessary for professional work with digital data.
Data exchange and data storage - both highly secure and team possible - also across companies, as well as coverage of legal retention and documentation obligations.
The Sync&Share solution TeamDrive Professional is an ideal tool for all users:
From private individuals to self-employed people, small and medium-sized to large companies.
Exchange data securely within your team - even across company boundaries. The backup solution integrated into TeamDrive protects you against data loss. High data security for self-employed people and small companies without using their own IT infrastructure.
Use TeamDrive to store your medical data, research results and patient data in a highly secure manner. Share sensitive personal data with laboratories, specialists or patients in a GDPR-compliant manner.
Click here to learn more about clouds in healthcare:
Clouds in healthcare- Doctor's offices
- Pharmacies
- Pharmacies
- Clinics
- Hospitals
- Research institutes
Protect your data from unauthorized access and factory espionage. Your data is stored highly securely and centrally on encrypted servers. If your data is secured with TeamDrive, ransomware attacks are no longer a threat.
Click here to find out more about clouds in small and medium-sized businesses:
Clouds in SMEs- Automobile manufacturing
- Mechanical engineering
- Transport/Vehicle driver
Authorities / public administration
Exchange data ad hoc and electronically with citizens: As part of the digitalization of authorities, your own processes can be designed without the lengthy introduction of specialist digital procedures.
Click here to find out more about clouds in authorities and public administration:
Clouds in Authorities- Universities
- School administrations
- Municipalities
- District offices
- State parliaments
- Government organizations
Finance and Legal Affairs
In the financial sector there is an increased demand for data security, but also the requirement to exchange data with clients and clients in a highly secure and yet uncomplicated way. Meet the existing strict requirements easily with TeamDrive!
Non-profit organizations
Store your organization's personal and sensitive data highly securely and without using your own IT infrastructure. Your data can be accessed from any place, at any time, device-independent and without a VPN connection.
Treat highly sensitive and secret information appropriately by transmitting and storing it to others in a highly secure manner. TeamDrive reliably prevents the flow of data to third parties and their unauthorized access to information by encrypting data on your PC before it is transferred.
Manage and store personnel data with TeamDrive in such a way that not even the company's internal IT department can gain insight into your data.

Data exchange.
Highly secure.